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TN: Phone Company Wants It All, Promises Nothing

By saveaccess
Created 04/10/2007 - 7:20pm

from: Cup of Joe [1]

Phone Company Wants It All, Promises Nothing

Monday, April 09, 2007

The lobbyist-sponsored cable franchise bill is bad for everyone and would be a massive benefit to only one group - the phone company. Hollow promises and the elimination of local control of land rights likewise benefits only the phone company. A bill which would negate all local control, HB1421/SB1933 is up for review again in committee meetings in the Senate and House and simply needs to be rejected, not delayed or deferred or handed off to a 'study group'.

Hamblen County Mayor David Purkey is presenting a resolution to the full commission this month to oppose this bill, and he joins a statewide rejection of the bill from cities and counties across the state.

The only group who claims this bill is worthwhile is the group which benefits from it - the phone company. This is no consumer-created call for change, and local residents and government do not want to give up their rights to control land usage, to negotiate with cable providers, to insure continual efforts to expand services in a community.

R. Neal at KnoxViews has been tracking the growing opposition to this bogus bill, showing it is a statewide effort to block the bill. But your voice is needed to end this bill now and forever. Send an email to your representatives. Tell them to vote no on HB1421/SB1933. The committee meetings are set for the 10th of April, so do it today.

A link to the Senate directory is here. A link to the House directory is here.

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