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FL: Critics urge cable-bill veto

By saveaccess
Created 05/10/2007 - 6:15am

from: Orlando Sentinel [1]

Critics urge cable-bill veto

Posted May 10, 2007

TALLAHASSEE -- It's called the Consumer Choice Act of 2007, but consumer activists have joined city officials from across Florida in urging Gov. Charlie Crist to veto the legislation that's designed to increase cable-television competition and lower rates.

Crist said Wednesday that he has not had a chance to review the bill (HB 529), which would shift cable-franchising authority from local governments to the state.

Consumer groups say customer-service standards are too loose and the state will be unable to enforce them as well as cities and counties can.

They also predict communities will lose public-access channels as a result of the legislation.

Other organizations that have urged a veto include the Florida Public Interest Research Group and the Consumer Federation of the Southeast.

They don't oppose the legislation's goal but say the governor should give lawmakers an opportunity to try for a better bill next year.

Compiled from wire reports

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