Published on Save Access (


By saveaccess
Created 05/18/2007 - 5:42am

from: Local Voice Ohio [1]
On May 9th the Ohio Senate passed SB 117. Through the hard work of members of the Senate Energy & Public Utilities Committee, local governments, PEG Access supporters, consumer interest groups, the citizens of our state and groups like Local Voice Ohio, SB 117, as passed in the Senate, was an improvement over the bill as it was introduced in January.

However, the bill still needs serious work if it is to be good for consumers, good for communities and good for Ohio.

Now that the bill has moved over to the Ohio House, we need you to make your voice heard once again if we are to be able to fix this dog of a bill.

Please go to the Local Voice Ohio Action Page [2] and use it to let your representative know that SB 117 still needs serious work. Otherwise, he or she should not support it.

Time is short as this bill is being fast-tracked and the whole fight could be over in just a few short weeks. We need you to make your voice heard now. And when you've made your voice heard, please pass this information on to others who want what is best for Ohio so they can make their voice's heard.

Time is running out. Make your voice heard today!!!

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