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MASSACHUSETTS ALERT: 10 To Do’s in 10 Days

By saveaccess
Created 05/23/2007 - 6:59am

Mobilizing Your Community Against the Verizon Bill
In Time for the June 5th Hearing at the State House

Massachusetts Senate Bill No. 1975, House Bill No. 3385
Read the bill here [1]

from: Cambridge Community Television [2]

May 22
Forward this “10 To Do’s” sheet [3] to anyone you know who works
in a Massachusetts Cable TV Station / Community Media Center,
and then call them up to make sure they got it, they know what
they need to do, and are committed to doing it. If they live or work
near you, invite them to accompany you to the June 5th 10:00 a.m.
Public Hearing at the State House, Room A-2. More people means
more fun and more impact!

May 23
Get in touch with your State Representatives and State Senators
and urge them to vocally oppose Verizon’s statewide franchising
bill! Fax and email the attached handout called “Top 10 Reasons to
Oppose the Verizon Bill” to your state legislators, and then follow up
with a phone call. Try to schedule a meeting with them prior to the
June 5th Public Hearing, and ask them to urge their colleagues to
oppose the bill. Ask if they will come to the June 5th Public Hearing
and speak against the bill.

May 24
Get in touch with your local elected officials and urge them to
vocally oppose Verizon’s statewide franchising bill and pass a
resolution opposing it! Fax the attached handout called “Top 10
Reasons to Oppose the Verizon Bill” to your local elected officials, and
then follow up with a phone call. Get them to pass a resolution at their
next meeting opposing the Verizon bill. For sample resolutions, go to [4] and click on the “Locals Take Action”
link at the top of the page. Finally, ask your local elected officials if
they will come to the June 5th Public Hearing and speak out against
the bill.

May 25
Write letters of opposition to the editors of your local newspaper
and to the Boston Globe, Boston Herald, Worcester Telegram,
and other regional newspapers, and cc: your state legislators.
If you need help crafting your letter, sample letters are available at the [5] link listed under May 24th.

May 26-28
Relax and enjoy the Memorial Day weekend! Save up your
energy for the big push during the final full week before the
Public Hearing.

May 29
Call other community leaders, especially those representing
groups such as churches and non-profits and other membership
organizations, who have used your local access center and urge
them to vocally oppose the bill! Fax and email them this handout
plus the attached handout called “Top 10 Reasons to Oppose the
Verizon Bill” and copies of any letters you’ve written, and urge them to
call and/or write their state representatives and state senators and the
newspapers in opposition to the bill. Invite their members to come
with you to the June 5th Public Hearing and speak against the bill.

May 30
Complete the two petitions posted at the links below, and
forward the links and invitations to sign them to all your
Massachusetts friends, colleagues, and family:
* [6]
* [7]

May 31
Call back everyone you’ve spoken with and make sure they’ve
done what you asked them to do. Make sure that you’ve
arranged transportation for anyone who is going to accompany
you to the June 5th Hearing at the State House. Suggest that
they not come alone.

June 1
Keep making those calls. Catch up on any of the above To Do’s
that you didn’t get to yet. Then tell us what you’re doing or have
done. Send an email to

June 4
Write the written testimony that you will submit at the Public
Hearing; it can be as long as you want. Then write a 1-minute
only speech that you will deliver orally on June 5th. Don’t forget
to confirm travel arrangements for all the people joining you at
the State House Hearing.

June 5
Come to the State House Hearing on June 5th in Room A-2. The
Hearing starts at 10:00 a.m., but come early to assure a spot in
the room and a chance to speak. Look for the book where you
sign up to speak. Then look for the people handing out stickers
and leis, and proudly wear these displays signaling opposition to
the bill. Don’t forget to submit your written testimony opposing
the bill. Address it to:
Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy
Room 473B, State House
Boston, MA 02133
Telephone: (617) 722-2263

10ToDos.pdf [8]59.06 KB
Legislative Contacts_0.pdf [9]23.89 KB

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