This was the vote last summer on S2686 (later named HR5252) in the 109th Congressional Session: 15-7 with all 12 Republicans and 3 Democrats voting for the bill. The new Democratic majority will hopefully alter the equation in this session.
Chairman Daniel K. Inouye (HI) Yes
John D. Rockefeller (WV) No
John F. Kerry (MA) No, $341,111**
Byron L. Dorgan (ND) No, $22,200**
Barbara Boxer (CA) No, $42,650**
Bill Nelson (FL) No, $18,750* $71,048** $55,900***
Maria Cantwell (WA) No, Washington $32,700** $56,600***
Frank R. Lautenberg (NJ) No, $16,000** $18,000***
Mark Pryor (AR) Yes, $33,800* $24,500**
Thomas Carper (DE) N/A
Claire McCaskill (MO) N/A
Amy Klobuchar (MN) N/A
Co-Chairman Ted Stevens (AK) Yes, $35,750* $22,000** $17,000***
John McCain (AZ) Yes, $45,750**
Trent Lott (MS) Yes
Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX) Yes
Olympia J. Snowe (ME) Yes, $19,500** $26,000***
Gordon H. Smith (OR) Yes, $27,000**
John Ensign (NV) Yes, $49,250* $52,990** $62,749***
John E. Sununu (NH) Yes, $21,000*
Jim DeMint (SC) Yes
David Vitter (LA) Yes
John Thune (SD) N/A
All donations took place during the 2005-2006 election cycle and were released by the Federal Election Commission on Monday, May 29, 2006.
*Telephone Utilities Donation
**Telecom Services and Equipment Industry Donations
*** Cable TV Industry Donations
Source: opensecrets.org list of top 20 recipients in campaign donations. Candidates not showing amounts were not in the top 20.
N/A: not on Committee in 2006.