Moveon Targets Net Neutrality 'Nays'

Posted on June 30, 2006 - 7:03am.

from: Broadcasting and Cable

Moveon Targets Net Neutrality 'Nays'

By John Eggerton -- Broadcasting & Cable, 6/29/2006 has sent an e-mail form to the constituents of the 11 senators who voted against explicit network nondiscrimination language in the video franchise reform bill that just passed the Senate Commerce Committee.

The vote was tied 11 to 11 on approving the amendment (party line, save for one crossowner Republican to the network neutrality side), but it takes a majority to adopt amendments.

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The e-mail includes the financial contributions received by each legislator from telecom companies.

Here is the letter:

"Dear Your Name Here,

"Your senator, Fill in the Blank, was the deciding vote AGAINST Internet freedom during a key vote yesterday in the Senate Commerce Committee.

"The committee voted 11 to 11 on the Snowe/Dorgan proposal to preserve Net Neutrality—one vote shy of passage. Your senator voted to let companies like AT&T put tollbooths on the Internet and gain more control over what you see and do online. The fight to preserve the free and open Internet now moves to the full Senate.

"Please call Sen. Fill in the Blank today and say "shame on you" for opposing the Snowe-Dorgan Internet freedom proposal. Tell him to oppose any bill in the full Senate that doesn't protect Net Neutrality. Here is the [phone] number."

( categories: Senate S.2686 )