National Outpouring of Support for Net Neutrality

Posted on September 1, 2006 - 1:10pm.

from: Save the Internet

National Outpouring of Support for Net Neutrality
New York City

Supporters of Internet freedom took to the pavement Wednesday and Thursday in 25 cities nationwide, delivering SavetheInternet petitions to their senators and urging them to oppose the phone and cable company attempt to gut Net Neutrality.

From Buffalo to Fayetteville, Orlando to Seattle, the outpouring of public support for Net Neutrality comes as the Senate’s August recess comes to a close, and our elected representatives return to Washington and the business of making laws.

Unfortunately, that business has been overrun by the nation’s largest phone and cable giants. Companies like AT&T, Verizon and Comcast are pouring more than $100 million into campaign contributions, phony “Astroturf” PR firms, lobbyists and TV and radio advertising in a drive to strong arm Congress into passing Sen. Ted Stevens’ bad telecom legislation (HR 5252).

On Wednesday and Thursday, supporters fanned out across the country to speak back to the big phone and cable companies. Their message to Senators: “Don’t sell out the Internet. Serve the public interest. Support real Net Neutrality.”

In each location (Pictured: Montpelier - left; New York - above; Minneapolis, Denver, Providence and Seattle - below), citizens are urged their senators to place the needs of the public and our democracy ahead of the interest of phone and cable lobbyists — and to oppose any legislation that lacks enforceable Net Neutrality protections.

( categories: Senate S.2686 )