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view the archive URL update7 years 24 weeks agoJune 10, 201007:26
The Senate Commerce Committee approved three bills June 9 aimed at curbing texting and cell phone use while driving, loud television commercials and misleading online marketing tactics.
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The Senate Commerce Committee passed the CALM (Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation) Act, which officially adopts the Advanced Television Systems Committee's recommended practices for variations in commercial volume in relation to the programs around them.
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Sens Joe Lieberman (I-CT), Susan Collins (R-Maine), and Tom Carper (D-Delaware) plan to introduce today a new cybersecurity bill.
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June 9, 201020:09
Google is asking governments to put more pressure on China to stop censoring the Internet. Google's top attorney, David Drummond, described the practice as an unfair barrier to free trade and said Western governments should defend the flow of information the same way they do products.
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At a House Appropriations Committee hearing on the Federal Communications Commission's FY 2011 budget, FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski fielded lots of questions on the FCC's plan to reclassify broadband.
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The nation's biggest broadband service providers and high-tech firms on June 9 said they are working together to come up with voluntary guidelines for managing network data traffic, a move aimed to appease regulators who are pushing for stronger Internet access rules.
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Network neutrality backers were quick to weigh in on the announcement of the formation of an industry technical advisory group (TAG) to come up with a consensus on reasonable broadband network management practices and advise the government on the issue.
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Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack released a report that details how broadband deployment funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) will improve the quality of life of over half a million rural American households.
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What can cities do to take advantage of this broadband moment in the United States?
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Digital Bridge is the latest broadband stimulus award winner.
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On June 8, the Federal Trade Commission rejected a proposal by the Internet safety education group iSAFE to operate a self-regulatory program that would allow firms that sign up for it to comply with the provisions of the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act.
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A new poll shows that a large majority of consumers are concerned about being tracked on the Internet and favor a proposal from privacy groups to create a "do not track list."
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Rep Joe Barton (R-TX), the ranking member of the House Commerce Committee, wants to work on an online privacy bill.
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The newest and most pervasive threat to personal privacy could be the smart meter that public utilities departments are increasingly using to measure electricity consumption.
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Don't let the iPhones and BlackBerries fool you: Research and a recent pilot program that put eReaders in college students' hands suggest that most students aren't ready to read their textbooks electronically, despite the proliferation of Internet-ready mobile devices on campuses nationwide.
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Regardless of the rise of the digital movement, government agencies can't seem to escape piles of paper.
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A survey of mothers of children age 8-13 reveals that kids start getting interested in social media at around 10. Moms perceive various sites differently, particularly when participation involves young family members.
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Office of Management and Budget Director Peter Orszag issued a memo on June 8 telling agencies to include in their fiscal 2012 information technology budgets efforts to emulate the private sector's level of efficiency such as consolidating IT infrastructure.
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Some government transparency groups are pushing the Obama administration to post online videos, recordings or transcripts of meetings that outside advisers hold to formulate new policies for agencies.
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Americans use a range of approaches to keep informed about what is happening in their communities and online activities have been added to the mix.
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