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view the archive URL update7 years 24 weeks agoJune 7, 201007:41
Google will begin handing over to European regulators the rogue data it intercepted from private WiFi Internet connections within the next two days.
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Apparently, India's Reliance Communications and AT&T have sounded out each other's interest about a potential transaction in which AT&T would take a significant minority stake in the Indian cellphone company.
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AT&T's decision to shift its wireless-data pricing to a usage-based model may have upset lovers of mobile media, but it is music to the ears of cable executives.
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AT&T's shift toward charging wireless subscribers based on the amount of data they use is expected to be an important test of consumer behavior in the technology industry's fastest-growing arena.
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There's lots of interest in Washington about consumer billing practices. There are also questions about the Federal Communications Commission's push for better authority to regulate broadband services that could affect the wireless mobile broadband industry.
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How times have changed. What was once mainly a competition between Microsoft and Apple for the hearts and wallets of desktop and laptop users has morphed into a battle for supremacy in burgeoning smartphones and tablet computers. And onetime chum Google is shaping up as Apple's leading rival. Microsoft is mostly an also-ran in those markets, certainly next to Apple, Google and, in the case of phones, BlackBerry-maker Research In Motion.
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The tension between government and the so-called fourth estate, or the news media, is at the heart of a mounting war of words in the blogosphere as well as in print and broadcast over when, where, why and how lawmakers should interact - some say meddle - with today's swiftly changing news environment.
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A Q&A with former Federal Communications Commission staffer Blair Levin.
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The Federal Communications Commission proposed a $25,000 fine against Fox Television Stations Thursday for not providing information about an indecency complaint involving the animated TV show "American Dad."
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The witness list for the House Judiciary Committee's hearing to be held Monday in Los Angeles about the Comcast-NBC Universal deal is likely to include a mix of industry executives and academics, many of whom will raise concerns about the combination of the cable giant and the programming behemoth.
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While you think you're protecting your personal information, your identity is leaking out to sites you don't even know about in ways you can't possibly imagine.
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Sen Olympia Snowe (R-Maine), the most vocal network neutrality supporter among GOP senators, has joined her colleagues in urging Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski not to change the regulatory classification of broadband service.
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The Federal Communications Commission's Consumer Advisory Committee will hold a public meeting Wednesday, June 30.
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The Office of Engineering and Technology has engaged in discussions with the Office of Spectrum Management, National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), to begin examining various frequency bands that may be suitable for mobile broadband use. NTIA has preliminarily identified the 1675-1710 MHz band for such use and is examining the impact on its incumbent federal users. Comments are due June 28, 2010.
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On June 4, the Federal Communications Commission released the raw dataset that was the basis for two recently released reports.
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The Online Safety and Technology Working Group has submitted a report and many recommendations to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration.
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The Department of Commerce's Office of Inspector General identified several concerns in the National Telecommunications and Information Administration's broadband stimulus (Broadband Technology Opportunities Program -- BTOP) pre-award process and expressed concern with whether NTIA has identified and obtained needed resources to execute a grant program of BTOP's magnitude in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act's timeframe.
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This basically will pick up where Congress left off in 2006.
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Potential privacy legislation being floated by Re. Rick Boucher (D-VA) "would fundamentally change online information and online advertising practices to the detriment of consumers," the Interactive Advertising Bureau said.
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On June 3, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate Subra Suresh to be Director of the National Science Foundation.
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