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June 7, 2010

As the Obama Administration National Rural Summit came to a close June 3, there was a general feeling of hope for the future of America's rural communities. read more
The Community Health Data Initiative is an incredibly exciting new public-private collaboration that is encouraging innovators to utilize data made publicly available by HHS to develop applications that will help raise awareness of community health performance, spark action to improve performance, and empower individuals and communities to make informed choices about their health. read more
It seems as if a week doesn't pass without a new story of some app being rejected from Apple's iPhone App Store. Should developers really be surprised? read more
Chicago public television station WTTW is cutting expenses by $3 million next year, a move that forced the public broadcaster to eliminate up to a dozen jobs. read more
Like other U.S. commanders, Army Gen. Keith Alexander looks to higher authorities for war-fighting guidelines, such as "rules of engagement" that define when and how his forces engage their enemy. But as the head of the newly created U.S. Cyber Command, Alexander has not yet gotten much guidance. read more
NECA and Princeton Edge Lab released a paper of case studies, called network scenarios, to prompt an exchange of ideas about systematic approaches and the science needed for achieving the policy objectives in the Federal Communications Commission's National Broadband Plan. read more

June 3, 2010

Citing "calluses" that have prepared her to speak out on Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski's controversial plan to boost agency authority over phone and cable companies, fellow FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn tried to quash fears that the proposal could have harmful and far-reaching repercussions during a speech at the Media Institute on June 3. read more
There's much disagreement over how an interoperable broadband wireless network for emergency workers should be developed. At issue is the so-called D Block. read more
The deluge of information available on the Web has made the country ungovernable, according to Electronic Frontier Foundation co-founder John Perry Barlow. read more
National Telecommunications and Information Administration head Larry Strickling said June 3 that the Obama administration is facing challenges conducting an inventory of government-controlled spectrum designed to free up airwaves for commercial mobile use. read more
The Senate Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee will hold a hearing next week on enforcement of antitrust laws, a forum that might provide renewed scrutiny of some recent and controversial tech and telecom-related mergers. read more
In the last two months, a controversy has broken out between the startup of the moment, Twitter, and its ecosystem. read more
In a week when the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico dominated the mainstream press, the social media were focused on news that revolved around computer technology. read more
Your cereal box tells you what its contents contains in the way of calories, vitamins, minerals, fats and protein. A sticker on your new car tells you how many... read more
Comcast, NBC Universal and General electric have provided answers to questions posed by the Members of Congress. read more
Google's secret Wi-Fi snooping was powered by new sniffing technology that the company wants to patent. read more
Federal Communications Commission Chairman Julius Genachowski says one way to help change the nation's status as a broadband laggard among industrialized nations is to deploy 4G wireless networks as quickly as possible. read more
Members of the public attempting to find the same proposed regulation docket on various federal websites can't always do so due to lack of a consistent naming conventions and search criteria, according to Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs Administrator Cass Sunstein. read more
Seven in ten adult Internet users (69%) have used the Internet to watch or download video. read more
Are you running for political office and not sure how to engage your constituents? Google has just launched a set of campaign tools to help you connect to that special voter in your life. read more